Fiction versus Non-fiction a fun active way to teach ( Distance Learning or Classroom) BOOK SORT: Either gather up a selection of books in your home or classroom or have your child pick...
Summer of 2019 Active Learning and Examples of Lesson plans at the College Level This has been a FABULOUS summer integrating gamification, technology, and active learning during a graduate course at Providence college...
Initial Assessment: How Does it Drive Instruction Prior to seeing a new student/client, we read through their records to develop a picture and to make a...
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day My mother is from Kinvara, County Galway, Ireland. As children, we would go there for summers to live...
How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy The wonderful part of being a speech and language pathologist is that every day brings new adventures! I am...
Why We Need to Teach Reading Using an Integrative Approach There is an inter-relationship between, reading, spelling, handwriting and written expression that needs to be honored when we think...
Vocabulary: New Research, Importance, Ways to Teach I am forever a student! One of my favorite ways to learn is through a website called It...
Summer 2017: Using Read-Alouds to Teach Vocabulary, Story Grammar, Listening Comprehension and Writing This semester at Providence College we tried a flip class in the Communication Disorders Class with readings and PowerPoints...
Spelling and the Speech Language Pathologist Okay, true confession, I am a terrible speller. I went to parochial school and we had weekly spelling bees and tests....
Previewing: Pre-reading Activities Have you been to a movie lately? What happens before the main movie? You typically are watching movie previews....