Moving to a new site! I AM MOVING! When I began this blog its original purpose was to assist my speech and language...
Executive Function: what is it and how we can assist our students, first steps In my role as a speech and language pathologist in the middle school, I often see the difficulties my...
Spelling Rules: why to teach them I was never a good speller. I went to a parochial school and spelling tests and spelling bees were...
How to Use a Favorite Child’s Song in Speech Therapy Wheels on the Bus Interactive Perhaps there are no other songs that children like more than the ‘Wheels on...
Giving Choices Assist in Gaining Cooperation The best lesson plans don’t work if you do not have a student’s cooperation. Something that I have...
School Reopening 2020 The opening of the new school year is going to be a challenging one this year. There rightfully...
Nursery Rhymes: Combining Digital and Hands on Resources One of the continuing education courses I am taking this summer is ISTE SUMMER ACADEMY. I have been...
Distance Learning: Similar to when Movies Went from Silent to Talkies? One of my favorite movies of all time is Singing in the Rain. The plot deals with the difficulty people...
How to Read a Book to Your Child The most important thing that parents can do to assist their child in education is to read to them. ...
Fiction versus Non-fiction a fun active way to teach ( Distance Learning or Classroom) BOOK SORT: Either gather up a selection of books in your home or classroom or have your child pick...