How to Work with Mixed Groups in Speech and Language Therapy The wonderful part of being a speech and language pathologist is that every day brings new adventures! I am...
Simple Behavioral Supports That Help All Students I find that if I set up routines that give clear expectations and goals for a session that the...
A Easter Egg Theme Lesson: Autism Acceptance Month In honor of Autism Acceptance month, I am sharing a fun lesson I do with my students AND giving...
What are you wishing for? In preparation for TPT’s big sale, I am joining a group of other bloggers to showcase what is most...
GIVEAWAY and TPT’s Back to School Sale is August 1-2!!! I can’t believe that it is that time of year again when I have not finished ESY! The promise of...
Hickory Dickory Dock an Elephant Climbs up a Clock! My students love stories with a twist!. This has twelve verses that have my students giggling especially when the...
Little Miss Muffet: Adapted Nursery Rhyme I am continuing to add to my nursery rhyme adapted library. I am finding that more children are not being...
Why use nursery rhymes in the classroom? Hey Diddle Diddle Mother Goose Rhymes introduce students to literature that has been passed down for generations. The...
It Takes a Village by Jane Cowen-Fletcher book companion I love using literature to teach. It gives me a jumping off point to teach vocabulary and story grammar....