Procedural section of the lesson plan


The procedural section of the lesson plan is the heart or body of the lesson plan. It is here that you will share information about the methods that you are using to help a student reach their goal. It is important to discuss the research-based approach you are using and to write it in a way that a person that was not familiar with the student could pick up the lesson plan and know what to do.

I will post some excellent procedure sections:

Kristen posted this for a student with apraxia:

  • Warm up activity with /v/ in CV and VC syllable shapes (“V”, Vie, Vow, Eve, I’ve, Of)
  • The Clinician will model syllables and client will repeat.
  • The clinician will use cueing as necessary to elicit production of the /v/ sound

Verbal cue: place you top teeth on your bottom lip and blow out a long flow of air with your voice turned on

Visual/tactile cue: Tuck lower lip under upper teeth and place tip of pointer finger on bottom lip below front teeth. Place other hand on throat to show voicing

Elicitation 1: Say oo while bringing the bottom lip into contact with the upper front teeth to get the V sound.

Elicitation 2: While producing the F sound, have the student place fingers against larynx and/or bottom lip. Then, have the student turn on the voice to feel the difference between the F and V sounds.

  • Matt will produce CVC words with initial /v/ with clinician modeling.
  • The clinicians will implement strategies from the Kaufman Kit 2 including:
    • deleting the final consonant (vet à veh)
    • Pull away the difficult movement (v-et)
    • Pull away the final consonant with prolonged vowel attached (veh-t)
  • He will be given a chart to check off completion of the 10 words.

Kristen also had this for a child with grammar difficulties.

  • The clinician will teach that sentences have two parts. “One part names the person place or thing that the sentence is about”
    • “The word or name of the person place or thing that the sentence is about is called the subject of the sentence”
  • Max will work through identifying the subject worksheet.
  • Max will underline the subjects in the example sentences.
  • The clinician will define pronoun:
    • “Substitute for the names of people, places, things, ideas”
  • The clinician will explain that special subject pronouns replace subjects
  • Max will replace example subjects with pronouns utilizing support from a subjective pronoun word list.

Stacey wrote this one. Notice that a good procedural paragraph has the clinical information in it. This is for a young child with language disorder.

  • The clinician will engage Larry in shared play using various magnets and magnet boards.
  • The clinician will ask Larry questions such as What is this? and What are you doing? in order to facilitate communication with the client.
  • When the client responds with an incomplete utterance, the clinician will either recast or expand upon Larry’s utterance. For example if he says car broke the clinician will say “I think you meant to say the car is broken” If the Larry says a proper utterance that is short the clinician will expand upon what Larry has said. For example, if Larry says “is sleeping”. The clinician will say “The baby is sleeping in the bed”.

The clinician will also implement parallel talk. As Larry is playing with items, the clinician will say what Larry is doing. For example ” Oh I see you are moving the orange dump truck” Now you are putting the three trucks under the table.

Dino wrote the following procedural section for an adolescent on the spectrum.

  • Nick will be introduced to the Autism Collection plan scripts from Book 1. The scripts present a scenario containing a problem, and require a plan of action to be filled in as a resolution. The scripts are presented in increasing degrees of familiarity (i.e., they begin with a dog as the character, and proceed to a group of people, individual person, until finally it is Nick himself as the character). This may be important to gradually prime Nick for role-play without immediately impacting his sensitivity to failure.
  • Nick will read the script, and the clinician will ask him to identify the problem and think of a “good” plan (i.e., expected behavior) to resolve the issue, and a “bad” plan (i.e., unexpected behavior) that would likely make the situation worse. Nick will then map the consequences of both plans, and use the plans in role play.
  • The mapped out plans of action will then be acted out, beginning with the good plan, and the clinician will provide feedback about Nick’s performance and ask Nick why he and others would feel a certain way given his responses on the behavior map.
  • When necessary, props will be used to help with the role play.


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